Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Sudhir Murthy is back!

It's been a while since i've blogged now.

I am intending to make a come back with lots of rablings on Technology particularly ASP.Net, MVC, Ajax, jQuery, Web Application Architecture, Application Security, Azure, App Fabric, SQL Server, Disaster Recovery and Data Contigency Planning with SQL Server 2008, Parallel Processing, .Net BCL, F#, Windows 8 , HTML5, Software testing with Visual Studio, MSF Agile and Scrum with TFS, Music and everthing that i've been upto for some time now.. Watch this space..

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Shale Gas - An alternative to Renewable ?

Shale Gas is natural gas produced from shale.(a type of rock). Analysts predict that Shale Gas has the potential to greatly expand worldwide energy supply.

There are ongoing debates on turning to Shale gas production over Renewable Energy (green). I found an interesting read on the guardian here. Also, Some facts and figures on shale gas.

Royal wedding preparations

Was driving in London..This is London getting ready for the royal wedding the previous day.

Android Tablets - A Comparison

As the surge of the android tablets begin this year, I guess more and more people will be looking into
buying an android tablet over the iPad. Found this interesting comparison chart of  The Motorola Xoom, The Samsung Galasy Tab 10.1, The Asus Eee Pad Transformer , the LG G-Slate (Optimus Pad) and the Acer Iconia A500.

Monday, 2 May 2011

Bonjour, voila, merci..

France was a very good experience. I had never tried to speak French before and this time it was inevitable in France. The French do get delighted when non-native looking , non-native sounding and non-native smelling people like me try to speak French. I get the feeling that they are deeply rooted to their culture and they appreciate it when non-native people attempt to converse in French.

France was a spectacular experience. The sheer sight of Eiffel tower, The palace and gardens in Versailles, The magnificent Louvre museum, notre dam, hotel les des invades, arc de triumph, the opera, the cabre show, the hop on -off tour buses , the strange and funny smell of sewage in Paris, The metro, The French tourism dept, The bridges in Paris, people staring at passerbys from roadside restaurante, no. of people smoking on the streets of Paris, the funny French Hindu converts dancing on the streets singing hare Rama, ridiculous ripoff taxis with meters which seem to be running time based as against distance based,restaurante indiens, wine, champagne, more bridges, pick pockets on streets, free public transport, French people giving directions in french,the designer wears of armaani, milan, ck and the likes, 1 euro Eiffel tower selling boys calling out sasriakaal , rich shoppers on camps-elysees, the tabac shops, the distinctive English accent of the French,confusing traffic direction on roads because of left hand driving, spectacular night tour of Paris, superb nightlife, very Indian looking roads with a lot of animated people, vegetariane paninis..phenomenal French buildings and monuments which speak of the historical France and not to mention the great French revolution..endless memories, sweet memories..