Showing posts with label Android. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Android. Show all posts

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

The Smartphone Story–In Pictures, because It’s worth a thousand words!!

Topic :- What has the today’s smart phone replaced and going to replace?

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1. MIT Technology Review
2. Mashable
3. Mobile Stats

All views expressed are not biased towards a single product or technology, it’s the author’s experiment to aggregate data and statistics from various sources. The author does not take responsibility in the accuracy of data and stats. – Sudhir Murthy © 2013.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Android Tablets - A Comparison

As the surge of the android tablets begin this year, I guess more and more people will be looking into
buying an android tablet over the iPad. Found this interesting comparison chart of  The Motorola Xoom, The Samsung Galasy Tab 10.1, The Asus Eee Pad Transformer , the LG G-Slate (Optimus Pad) and the Acer Iconia A500.

Friday, 19 November 2010

Google, When can i get Indic Font Support on my HTC Desire ?


It is such a shame that at the time of writing this, Google has not officially enabled Indic Font Support on Android, Guess??, Limited multilingual support from Android. What a shame!!!. I tried a hack to get around this by installing a kannada TTF font. You can expect the obvious, glyphs are not rendered correctly.

I was of the opinion that the TTF fonts were missing, NO, the fault is with the rendering mechanism on android ?, Wondering could it be because some of the Indic Fonts also require custom rendering support from the OS. I STILL Can’t believe Google missed Indic Font Support. Google needs to add Indic font support soon, It’s going to loose out big time in Indian markets!., C’mon, There is a dev lab in Bangalore, India!!!

Wake up Google!!


Tuesday, 9 November 2010

VNC For Android!




This is one of THE most useful applications for remotely controlling your computer / remote system administration /  and lot of fun remote VNC sessions for the Home User!!!. You can realize the potential straight away, YES!! controlling a remote computer from your android phone!!

Now, I take absolutely no responsibility for this post but i would like to share a very quick way of configuring a remote computer to allow incoming VNC connections on a port and then use the ‘VNC for Android’ application to connect to it. (from anywhere in the world Winking smile)

The indented audience are home users / geeks and enthusiasts.

1] Download Ultra VNC Server from here and Install it.

2] Download the ‘VNC For Android’  Application to your android phone. (Don’t start it just yet)

3] Configure you VNC Server. Set Passwords , Ports and User Impersonation. My advise is to use ‘A’ random port from the range and not just use 5900. (Although 5900 works completely fine, It’s anybody's guess when it’s comes to how secure your open ports are to the outside world ), because soon you will discover that you might have to open the port in your router to allow the communication via VNC.

vnc viewer

4] Login to your Router’s administration page and forward the port no (which you just configured in step 3) to the machine which has the VNC Server application running on it.

5] Find your IP (WAN) from here, or your router’s administration page. (still better if you know it by heart). Note it down.

6] This is the best part..Open the VNC Viewer for Android application now on your android phone, and follow these steps


(Image Courtesy –x)

Add a ‘Nickname’  - This is only to identify your connection.

Add the password of your VNC Server (Step 3)

Add the IP address of your VNC Server (Step 5)


(Image Courtesy –x)

Choose a Color Format ( If you are on WIFI, Choose the 24-bit Color, If you are on 3G Select a lower color depth for performance )

This should be enough to get you started. Press the ‘Connect’ button, Wait for handshake  (default of 10 seconds) and authentication from your VNC Server and Voila, You’re done!!

Fore more, you can dig here.

Enjoy Remoting from you phone !, and if this helped you configure your device, post a comment below! Smile

Saturday, 11 September 2010


Found a Blogger app for my HTC,here I am, doing a test post from my phone..
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.8