Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Silverlight 2 released! :)

Microsoft releases SL 2. The  press release can be found here. More details and specifications from the SL Developer team can be found here. Also, check out Visual Studio Tools for SL 2 and the sdk documentation.

SL 2 Highlights from the press release

.NET Framework support with a rich base class library. This is a compatible subset of the full .NET Framework.

Powerful built-in controls. These include DataGrid, ListBox, Slider, ScrollViewer, Calendar controls and more.

Advanced skinning and templating support. This makes it easy to customize the look and feel of an application.

Deep zoom. This enables unparalleled interactivity and navigation of ultrahigh resolution imagery.

Comprehensive networking support. Out-of-the-box support allows calling REST, WS*/SOAP, POX, RSS and standard HTTP services, enabling users to create applications that easily integrate with existing back-end systems.

Expanded .NET Framework language support. Unlike other runtimes, Silverlight 2 supports a variety of programming languages, including Visual Basic, C#, JavaScript, IronPython and IronRuby, making it easier for developers already familiar with one of these languages to repurpose their existing skill sets.

Advanced content protection. This now includes Silverlight DRM, powered by PlayReady, offering robust content protection for connected Silverlight experiences.

Improved server scalability and expanded advertiser support. This includes new streaming and progressive download capabilities, superior search engine optimization techniques, and next-generation in-stream advertising support.

Vibrant partner ecosystem. Visual Studio Industry Partners such as ComponentOne LLC, Infragistics Inc. and Telerik Inc. are providing products that further enhance developer capabilities when creating Silverlight applications using Visual Studio.

Cross-platform and cross-browser support. This includes support for Mac, Windows and Linux in Firefox, Safari and Windows Internet Explorer.

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Winforms vs WPF

We have two powerful technologies to build windows client applications. The obvious questions are

when to use which technology ?

Which technology to choose for new applications and when organizations developing Windows Forms applications should adopt WPF ?

Answers here

Quick conclusions from the same source.

  • If you have an existing Windows Forms application or are building a traditional forms-based application and are looking for a mature technology to use with mature tools and component support then Windows Forms is a good fit.

  • If you have an existing Windows Forms (or MFC/Win32) application that could benefit from some of the advanced presentation features of WPF, you can add WPF to your existing project.

  • If you’re wanting to create a new experience for your users that is rich, interactive, sophisticated, or highly custom or branded, WPF is Microsoft’s next-generation platform for your project today.

  • If you’re targeting the web, Silverlight shares the same development model as WPF but is optimized for a lightweight, cross-platform runtime. Investing in either WPF or Silverlight nets you the skills, tools, and assets for both platforms.
  • Monday, 6 October 2008

    WCF Application Profiling

    1] Performance Profiling, MSDN

    2] WPF Graphics Rendering Overiew, MSDN

    3] Graphics Rendering Tiers, MSDN

    4] Windows Client Article on Performance profiling a WPF app.

    Compiling a Hello World WPF App

    Getting to know the Binary Application Markup Language and the ‘.g.cs ‘files

    XAML code gets compiled into a combination of  C# file (.g.cs) and a BAML (.baml). The BAML file is an optimized, pre-tokenized version of the elements that were specified in the .xaml file. This is injected into the .Net Assembly (PE/DLL).

    Notice that the static main method() gets generated in the App.g.cs file which points to an instance of WPF core application object (System.Windows.Application)

    /// <summary>
            /// Application Entry Point.
            /// </summary>
            public static void Main() {
                HelloWorld.App app = new HelloWorld.App();

    The MS build project file has the <ApplicationDefinition> tag which is used to specify the xaml file that defines the application class.(app.xaml) Below is a cut and paste from my HelloWorld.csproject file.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Project ToolsVersion="3.5" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
        <Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>
        <Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' == '' ">AnyCPU</Platform>
      <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">
      <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">
        <Reference Include="System" />
        <Reference Include="System.Core">
        <Reference Include="System.Xml.Linq">
        <Reference Include="System.Data.DataSetExtensions">
        <Reference Include="System.Data" />
        <Reference Include="System.Xml" />
        <Reference Include="WindowsBase" />
        <Reference Include="PresentationCore" />
        <Reference Include="PresentationFramework" />
        <ApplicationDefinition Include="App.xaml">
        <Page Include="Window1.xaml">
        <Compile Include="App.xaml.cs">
        <Compile Include="Window1.xaml.cs">
        <Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs">
        <Compile Include="Properties\Resources.Designer.cs">
        <Compile Include="Properties\Settings.Designer.cs">
        <Compile Include="Test.cs" />
        <EmbeddedResource Include="Properties\Resources.resx">
        <None Include="Properties\Settings.settings">
        <AppDesigner Include="Properties\" />
      <Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
      <!-- To modify your build process, add your task inside one of the targets below and uncomment it.
           Other similar extension points exist, see Microsoft.Common.targets.
      <Target Name="BeforeBuild">
      <Target Name="AfterBuild">

    Now, the combination of <ApplicationDefinition> element and the <Import> tag ‘Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets"’ will create our application entry point.


    My ‘App.xaml’ file

    <Application x:Class="HelloWorld.App"


    Notice the StartUp tag here. The connection between XAML and the code behind can be found in the file ‘App.g.cs’


    /// <summary>
    /// InitializeComponent
    /// </summary>
    public void InitializeComponent() {
        #line 4 "..\..\App.xaml"
        this.Startup += new System.Windows.StartupEventHandler(this.Application_Startup);
        #line default
        #line hidden
        #line 5 "..\..\App.xaml"
        this.StartupUri = new System.Uri("Window1.xaml", System.UriKind.Relative);
        #line default
        #line hidden

    Now, we are sure that ‘App.g.cs’ has a significant role in bridging the event handlers specified in the XAML file to the code behind files (c# files). Since ‘App.g.cs’ is a partical class, may be visual studio uses it for Intellisense.  This is not all ?, Where does the XAML file go after the compilation process ?. Notice that if you navigate to .\obj\debug or .obj\release folders you find a Window1.baml file. Now, as i’ve already said before, BAML is an optimized version of XAML.

    I found this explanation on the web [1] , dumping the content here.

    What tools are used to generate the .G.CS classes when a XAML project is created? Also is there an API for this so I can do it at runtime?

    The answer:

    In order to compile xaml files, we have declared a few MsBuild tasks in PresentationBuildTasks.dll. Projects that contain <Page Include="Page1.xaml" /> and that import MicrosoftWinFX.targets will be markup compiled.There are 2 "Targets" defined in that targets file that do the work for markup compilation. MarkupCompilePass1 – creates a .g.cs file for each Page.  If the xaml doesn't refer to any classes defined in the assembly being created during the build, a baml file is created. This baml file is a binary (pre-tokenized) version of the hierarchy of objects and property sets from the xaml file. MarkupCompilePass2 – creates all baml files that weren't able to be created in Pass1

    The only APIs that WPF exposes to do this markup compilation are those msbuild based tasks in PresentationBuildTasks.dll.MsBuild can be called at runtime (from full trust apps).


    Check out [2] for more on BAML and .net assembly. If you are thinking of writing your own UI representation like YAML etc, then you might need the BAML Reader/Writer [3].


    Some Links to understand what’s going on beneath the hood.

    1. Rrelyes, MS

    2. A nice little anatomy of a wpf compilation here

    3. BAML Reader/Writer

    Indian Bands


    Parikrama - Delhi - Rock n Roll (They opened for Iron Maiden in Bangalore. They were fantastic. Iron Maiden was impressed and promoted them to play in Download Festival 2007.



    AVIAL - Kerala (Rock / Progressive)


    VINAPRA - Bangalore (Rock)