Saturday, 21 June 2008

Programming in the age of Concurrency!!


Enter parallel extensions for .Net (PFX), Microsoft’s new take on parallel programming and concurrency in the .net world. I saw an extensive 34 minute video on channel 8 from the man himself – Anders Hejlsberg.

In summary, the PFX set of libraries can be used to leverage true multi-core programming which are becoming common these days.

Here is the link

Friday, 20 June 2008

Rob Miles's Very Silly Interview

Our Professor Rob Miles speaks to Microsoft's Dan Fernandez. The interview can be found on Channel 9 here. The jovial Rob is as usual articulate and yet funny at the same time..:) Also check out his blog and his silly games site

And if you're wondering why it's called 'Very Silly Interview', That what they call it on Channel 9. I've not given any names..To find out more watch the interview..

Verisign's Extended Validation SSL Certificate

What is Extended Validation SSL ?

Extended Validation SSL Certificates give high-security Web browsers information to clearly identify a Web site’s organizational identity. For example, if you use Microsoft® Internet Explorer 7 to go to a Web site secured with an SSL Certificate that meets the Extended Validation Standard, IE7 will cause the URL address bar to turn green. A display next to the green bar will toggle between the organization name listed in the certificate and the Certificate Authority (VeriSign, for example). Firefox 3 also supports Extended Validation SSL. Other browsers are expected to offer Extended Validation visibility in upcoming releases. Older browsers will display Extended Validation SSL Certificates with the same security symbols as existing SSL Certificates.

- Source of the above can be found here

This can be clearly noticed in IE 7 and 8 Beta when an SSL Encrypted transfer is going on. Eg. a user signing into hotmail, a user sending his credit card information to a website. etc..(transactions/sessions which use SSL)

Also, check out the Verisign EV SSL Demo

Thursday, 19 June 2008

Programming the Thread Pool in .Net

I discovered this excellent article on Thread Pooling in .Net on MSDN, It can be found here. If you are interested in understanding why thread pooling made it to the .Net Platform, read this article here. Also, check out this article on CodeProject which discusses some behind the scenes issues with .Net ThreadPool Class.

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Windows Developer Power Tools

Great software tools make developers more productive!!, Above all it makes life much simpler!!

If you have missed out on reading this book titled 'Windows Developer Power Tools', click on Link no. 1 to get a view of this book. If you want to quickly look at what kind of power tools are out there, which can make your life simpler, Click on Link no. 2.

Some Links.
1. Windows Developer Power Tools
2. Scott Hanslemen's ultimate developers and power users tool list