Wednesday, 24 November 2010

WPF Open Type Fonts!

I was always overly excited for the Open Type Font support that WPF had and was actually looking forward
for rendering the following in WFP.
हिंदी बे
గుల్తే ను
WPF 4.0, 3.5 adds Open Type Font Rendering support for a pletora of Indic Scripts. Check this out
WPF 3.0 had limited support.
Good work Microsoft!

A good read on WPF Globalization and Localization

WPF provides globalized design features, including automatic layout, satellite assemblies, and localized attributes and commenting.  Check this example for more

Friday, 19 November 2010

Google, When can i get Indic Font Support on my HTC Desire ?


It is such a shame that at the time of writing this, Google has not officially enabled Indic Font Support on Android, Guess??, Limited multilingual support from Android. What a shame!!!. I tried a hack to get around this by installing a kannada TTF font. You can expect the obvious, glyphs are not rendered correctly.

I was of the opinion that the TTF fonts were missing, NO, the fault is with the rendering mechanism on android ?, Wondering could it be because some of the Indic Fonts also require custom rendering support from the OS. I STILL Can’t believe Google missed Indic Font Support. Google needs to add Indic font support soon, It’s going to loose out big time in Indian markets!., C’mon, There is a dev lab in Bangalore, India!!!

Wake up Google!!


Energy Prices–How are they calculated ?


Ever wondered how the energy prices are calculated in the United Kingdom, Read this.

Orb TV

This is really impressive stuff. Install Orb TV on your computer and share your media with a lot of devices, Stream it live!. There is also a free app for the iPhone/iPod Touch, So You can enjoy watching ‘your’ media on the TV whilst controlling the entire thing from your iPhone.

More, Here

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Data is the key to unlock Humanities Riches!

This statement could be so taken for granted !
I was reading NY Times today and couldn’t stop thinking about the possibility of making sense of this all.
What could be a bigger scientific experiment than exploring the humanities ?
‘Members of a new generation of digitally savvy humanists argue it is time to stop looking for inspiration in the next political or philosophical “ism” and start exploring how technology is changing our understanding of the liberal arts. This latest frontier is about method, they say, using powerful technologies and vast stores of digitized materials that previous humanities scholars did not have.’ -  More Here
The two key words i was after were ‘Quantification’ and ‘Interpretation’. Quantification will make much sense for a computational scientist (like me) However, it can be argued that proper Interpretation also plays a vital role., for which an enormous computing infrastructure mainly centred around data crunching will be absolutely invaluable!
It’s worthy to note that ‘The humanities and social sciences are the emerging domains for using high-performance computing’.
Ancient to modern languages, Logic (the next thing which comes to my mind) , Literature, Law , History, Philosophy, Religion, Visual and Performing Arts, Music, Anthropology, Linguistics, Cultural Studies. Now, that’s an ennnnnnnnnormoussss list!. I don’t think an entire lifetime is enough to quantify and interpret that sort of an experiment!!, But with advances in distributed computing, This is merely a truth proposition.
Questions which could be answered.

  • Did the ‘Fountainhead of Indian ‘Logic’ Intellect come from its cultural roots’ ?
  • Did Pythagoras come to India to learn ‘Logic’ ?
  • How were the ragas born ?, Are the ragas mathematically a complex hash function of frequencies ?, How did such complex mathematical function get rooted into a  seemingly divinity biased Carnatic music ?
  • How did western musical instruments evolve in India ? Violin , Saxaphone ?
  • Why is divinity the epicentre of music, atleast carnatic music ?. Can Athethists play carnatic music with same passion  ?
  • What Influenced the development of Lipis ? Was the spoken language invented first before Lipis or was it the other way round ?
  • Do the Sanskrit proverbs actually interpret as Formal ‘Logic’ ?
  • Was Shakaracharya an Atheist before he proposed ‘Aham Bramhaasmi’ ?
  • Is Ayn Rand’s ‘Objectivism’ practised more by Indians than Americans ?
  • Do Europeans exhibit ‘Existentialism’ traits than people from any other continent ?
  • I want to stop now..Sky is the limit!! Endless possibilities..

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Requirements Engineering with TFS


Some of the best practises from codeplex community can be found here.

My Previous post on RE

Code Branching and Merging with TFS 2010

Distributed development efforts involves working cohesively with geographically distributed teams and working by minimizing the impact of introducing ‘bugs’ or worse breaking the existing code base when new pieces of functionality is checked in.

Now, you all know that with TFS you can

1] Shelve the pending changes

2] Have a code reviewer policy set up on your TFS to avoid the above situation etc.

3] Take out the existing ‘Greatest and Latest’ code to a separate ‘Branch’ and write your code inside this branch, satisfy the requirements with Unit Tests and merge your changes from the separate branch into your main branch (aka production code).

The Codeplex community has put together a branching guide to make this simple and straightforward. I recommend it as a must read for developers.


Visual Studio Team Branching Guide 2010

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

VNC For Android!




This is one of THE most useful applications for remotely controlling your computer / remote system administration /  and lot of fun remote VNC sessions for the Home User!!!. You can realize the potential straight away, YES!! controlling a remote computer from your android phone!!

Now, I take absolutely no responsibility for this post but i would like to share a very quick way of configuring a remote computer to allow incoming VNC connections on a port and then use the ‘VNC for Android’ application to connect to it. (from anywhere in the world Winking smile)

The indented audience are home users / geeks and enthusiasts.

1] Download Ultra VNC Server from here and Install it.

2] Download the ‘VNC For Android’  Application to your android phone. (Don’t start it just yet)

3] Configure you VNC Server. Set Passwords , Ports and User Impersonation. My advise is to use ‘A’ random port from the range and not just use 5900. (Although 5900 works completely fine, It’s anybody's guess when it’s comes to how secure your open ports are to the outside world ), because soon you will discover that you might have to open the port in your router to allow the communication via VNC.

vnc viewer

4] Login to your Router’s administration page and forward the port no (which you just configured in step 3) to the machine which has the VNC Server application running on it.

5] Find your IP (WAN) from here, or your router’s administration page. (still better if you know it by heart). Note it down.

6] This is the best part..Open the VNC Viewer for Android application now on your android phone, and follow these steps


(Image Courtesy –x)

Add a ‘Nickname’  - This is only to identify your connection.

Add the password of your VNC Server (Step 3)

Add the IP address of your VNC Server (Step 5)


(Image Courtesy –x)

Choose a Color Format ( If you are on WIFI, Choose the 24-bit Color, If you are on 3G Select a lower color depth for performance )

This should be enough to get you started. Press the ‘Connect’ button, Wait for handshake  (default of 10 seconds) and authentication from your VNC Server and Voila, You’re done!!

Fore more, you can dig here.

Enjoy Remoting from you phone !, and if this helped you configure your device, post a comment below! Smile

Windows Live Writer 2011

Yes, I am using the new windows live writer 2011. I don’t particularly like the year part in this software, don’t know why..2011 sounds like a strange figure to me, Strange for Microsoft software!. Visual Studio 2010, Office 2010, SharePoint 2010…………………you know what i mean ??, Anyhow, I like this version of the live writer and it has a bunch of improvements around UI and bits of bobs of functionality. Until later version, I’ll definitely be using Live Writer!

Friday, 5 November 2010

Enter the Cloud!

I’m migrating some of my test web applications a.k.a simple concept web apps to the windows cloud, a.k.a ‘The Windows Azure Platform’. I'm all excited to share my experiences with Windows Azure, SQL Azure and App Fabric.

I encourage you to download the Training Kit from Microsoft and give it a go.

The tools you might need to get started are


1] Windows Azure Tools for Visual Studio

or  Install Visual Web Developer 2010 Express.

or if you have another development language (Java,PHP,Ruby), try

2] This

JS Trick

Ever wondered how to close that damn browser window without getting a warning from the browser ?.

Well, I've gone through that many a times before when trying to close a window(subject)  from either the main window or any other window which did not create the subject.

and…and i remember the solution, which i had devised for IE. (not sure about other browsers and I'll leave that for you ).

You have to remember, the method creates a reference to the window.opener ??    (Hint, Hint! )

function CloseWindow(){

//removes the previous window.opener reference and

//tricks the browser not to display the annoying warning message.

window.opener = ‘fake’;



Winking smile

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Tip of the day – A good use of auto implemented properties.

A very practical use of auto implemented properties could be to create a immutable lightweight class. An auto implemented property is a ‘property’ in C# without fields. The C# JIT Compiler generates the IL with a field for the auto implemented properties. (hence the name). The IL also replaces the Get and Set accessor stubs in the Properties to return and set the automatically generated field.

Take a look at the below code ( class ‘Books’). There are Title, Author and PublshedYear auto implemented properties. Notice the set is private, This makes the ‘Books’ class immutable.


The tip is to use this kind of construct to replace structs when ever a reference type is required. Also notice that the constructor is made ‘private’. Simply because i find the factory method ‘CreateBook’  semantically appealing to call the private constructor rather than having to use the auto implemented property directly in the constructor for initializing the Books object.

Take a look at the IL for Books.,  Notice the ‘k__BackingField’ feild generated by the C# Compiler.


//////////////get_Author: string() IL////////////////////

.method public hidebysig specialname instance string
        get_Author() cil managed
  .custom instance void [mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute::.ctor() = ( 01 00 00 00 )
  // Code size       11 (0xb)
  .maxstack  1
  .locals init (string V_0)
  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
  IL_0001:  ldfld      string ConsoleApplication1.Books::'<Author>k__BackingField'
  IL_0006:  stloc.0
  IL_0007:  br.s       IL_0009
  IL_0009:  ldloc.0
  IL_000a:  ret
} // end of method Books::get_Author


//////////////////set_Author:void(string) IL////////////////

.method private hidebysig specialname instance void
        set_Author(string 'value') cil managed
  .custom instance void [mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute::.ctor() = ( 01 00 00 00 )
  // Code size       8 (0x8)
  .maxstack  8
  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
  IL_0001:  ldarg.1
  IL_0002:  stfld      string ConsoleApplication1.Books::'<Author>k__BackingField'
  IL_0007:  ret
} // end of method Books::set_Author

Now, a demo of using the above immutable lightweight class


Happy patterns discovery..

I’ve used the MSDN example here to illustrate.

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Design Patterns – Types

Design patterns are proven practises and principles for building enterprise software. They generalize solutions to common problems.  By adapting design patterns in our software architecture, we leverage the proven solutions and concepts. This makes the code easier to maintain / understand / relate to.

Design patterns are broadly classified into the following categories.

1] Structural Patterns

- Focus on building flexibility,maintainability and security

2] Creational Patterns

- Focus on increasing flexibility,i.e what , who, how and when of object creation.

3] Behavioural Patterns

- Focus on algorithms and communication between them.

I’ll start with the Structural Patterns in my next post.

Saturday, 18 September 2010

My love for patterns and discovery of them..

It all started in my undergraduate days back in 2003 when i used to work a lot on VB & C++. I had no idea that patterns existed then!. One fine day a friend of mine suggested using a ‘Singleton’. Since than I've had the hunger for discovering more and more of ‘patterns’ and their usage.

After i moved to the managed world (.Net) it started appealing more and more and today, i cannot think of an application without it. I’ve moved on to application architecture and business processes all the way realizing how vital the role of patterns in real world development (civil engineering  to software engineering). Apart from all the other stuff that still interests me., I’ve decided to take a rather focussed approach to patterns, software design and application architecture from now. I look forward to a sound discussion with you all on them.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

IE 9

is cool.. and i like the changes..

Saturday, 11 September 2010


Found a Blogger app for my HTC,here I am, doing a test post from my phone..
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.8

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Entity Framework 4.0 and ASP.Net 4.0

This is a very good example of real world EF and ASP.Net .
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.8

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Mono Tools for Visual Studio - 2.0

Mono Tools for Visual Studio is a commercial add-in for Microsoft™ Visual Studio™ that enables developers to write .NET applications for non-Windows platforms within their preferred development environment.
It allows developers to build, debug and deploy .NET applications on Linux, while continuing to leverage the extensive ecosystem of code, libraries, and tools available for .NET. – Courtesy

More Here:

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Data Warehouse Architecture in SQL Server 2008

The Fast Track reference configurations address the need to design solution architectures correctly for BI systems. More specifically, these Fast Track reference configurations target the database tier of a BI solution, providing the tools and architectural direction customers need when using SQL Server for a data warehouse that will support BI-focused queries.

I found this paper on MSDN which gives you an overview and guide to SQL Server® Fast Track Data Warehouse, a new set of reference architectures created for scale-up (SMP) SQL Server based data warehouse solutions. It includes a summary of the resources available in the reference configuration, the distinguishing features of the approach, and the steps necessary to take full advantage of the new architectures.

Data Warehouse Architecture in SQL Server 2008

The Fast Track reference configurations address the need to design solution architectures correctly for BI systems. More specifically, these Fast Track reference configurations target the database tier of a BI solution, providing the tools and architectural direction customers need when using SQL Server for a data warehouse that will support BI-focused queries.

I found this paper on MSDN which gives you an overview and guide to SQL Server® Fast Track Data Warehouse, a new set of reference architectures created for scale-up (SMP) SQL Server based data warehouse solutions. It includes a summary of the resources available in the reference configuration, the distinguishing features of the approach, and the steps necessary to take full advantage of the new architectures.

Monday, 5 July 2010

Windows Phone 7 is supposed to simplify life, Kin is meant to amplify it ? and MS scraped KIN ?

And here’s an interesting read -  a view on what’s happening with Windows Phone 7(WP7) and why did MS scrap KIN.

Office web apps

Playing around with office web apps today. Very pleasing move from Microsoft which doesn't require that you purchase a desktop license to use office web apps. Yes, the personal edition is FREE, like free beer!. Although Microsoft Office desktop edition software leads the industry by far from it’s competitors, Microsoft’s cloud strategy was still a bit behind Google and IBM. With the public release of Office web apps, MS has definitely poked it’s nose in. We will have to wait and watch as to how people react to it to make it a success. I personally feel it will add a lot of value to the already successful Office suite and it’s definitely well posed to take on Google docs!

Three things i love about Microsoft Office Web Apps.

1] Usable from hotmail, integration with sky drive (25 GB online storage). More to follow soon with the ability to attach web app documents (Word web app, Excel web app, Powerpoint web app,OneNote web app)

2] Multiuser collaboration. 

3] Tested and ready for Google chrome browser (so, it sucks less, ahem, well atleast not as much as IE 6,7 and 8).

Some links to dig further.

1.Microsoft Office Web Apps -

2.Developers catch the action here -

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

A new start..

Following a massive inactive period, where i found myself hanging upside down at  the ocean shore of life wondering if i could set sailing to reach ‘a’ paradise.., i nicked a speed boat and hit the water again!!




Saturday, 19 June 2010

Saturday, 5 June 2010

No Time to blog.

I do not blog for money

neither do i blog for fame

all i get is pretty lame

oh! what a shame!

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Handling ASP.NET ‘Thread Aborted Exception’

If you would have bumped into ‘Thread Aborted Exception’ in ASP.NET apps when trying to do a lengthy server process, They would have been interesting times fore sure.

Well, Firstly ,  The ‘Thread Aborted Exception’ happens when the thread serving the request doesn't
finish for a long time. The ASP.NET hosting process aborts this thread after a certain time which can be adjusted in the ‘executionTimeout’ attribute of the ‘httpRuntime’ element in the  ‘Web.Config’ file.

    <httpRuntime executionTimeout="600" />
By default the executionTimeout="90" seconds.


Although this might solve the problem , this is not a feasible solution primarily because of scalability reasons, i.e increasing the executionTimeout might decrease the throughput of your web app.


I did an interesting workaround this to ‘ping’ the server at intervals just short of the ‘executingTimeout’ parameter. Now, the idea is, if a process/function/routine takes enormous amount of time (which happens to raise the Thread Aborted Exception) to complete because it’s massive., break the process/function/routine into smaller chunks and ping the server at regular intervals. This can be achieved by storing the execution states in a session variable on the server.


Further, this will open up an opportunity to monitor the progress of your process. Say you’ve re-factored the lengthy routine which was a single function  to 10 functions. Every time you finish a function, you can update your progress on the client and continue with the next function on the server.


1] This will avoid the ‘Thread Aborted Exception’ and

2] Progress can be monitored.


1] There is an argument that any lengthy processes must not be done on the thread pool thread and that such processes should be written as a separate windows service. Well, at the end of the day it depends on your business needs. Personally, i feel you need to consider things like will the app be running on business lan or exposed to the internet , how many simultaneous users will it have ?. Will it be running on a cluster or a single server etc..

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Why i turned buzz off!

Google, Why are you invading my privacy!.

I find Google's buzz a terrible breach of users privacy. They are being very cheeky, adding the ‘buzz’ feature without  telling users what the hell it’s supposed to do. I never asked for one in the first place anyway, And this is my personal opinion.

I can’t be bothered to buzz around with my contacts or know what they are doing. C’mon Google !. I’ve lost some respect for you today. This is ridiculous. A very offensive approach at creating their own ‘eco’ system for the cloud trying to take the pie away from Facebook and Twitter. (Which i think they are trying to achieve with Android OS).

For me, it brought frustration more than a new found joy and i turned the buzz feature off. Thank god, they have managed to put that feature inside Gmail. And this is how i did it.

1] Open Gmail and navigate to the bottom of the page to find something similar to the below picture and click on ‘turn off buzz’.




  Interesting Links

1] Google buzz privacy policy

2] Privacy policy

FILESTREAM Storage in SQL Server 2008.

Came across this white paper on Filestream storage in SQL Server 2008 – MSDN
In brief,
We often tend to have BLOB’s aka Binary Large Objects which takes memory storages ranging from MBs to GBs which may be or generally will be Images, Steaming Video , Sound etc.
Using FILESTREAM storage, we can take advantage of the NTFS file system. FILESTREAM storage can be used to store BLOB data using a combination of SQL Server 2008 and NTFS file system.
Good to know
1] Dual Programming Model Access to BLOB Data
- Transact-SQL Access
- Win32 Streaming Access
2] Replication
FILESTREAM is supported by both transactional replication and merge replication, But there are limitations on the ‘size’ of data that can be sent to down level instances.
3] Database snapshots
SQL Server does not support database snapshots for FILESTREAM data containers.
4]  Indexes on FILESTREAM data not allowed
5] FILESTREAM works on all recovery models (full, differential and log)
Something to note from the Conclusion
“FILESTREAM storage is not appropriate in all cases. Based on prior research and FILESTREAM feature behaviour, BLOB data of size 1 MB and larger that will not be accessed through Transact-SQL is best suited to storing as FILESTREAM data.”
Can you spot a tool requirement in the whitepaper ? , Well, A common scenario using SQL Server 2008 may be migrating existing BLOB data into FILESTREAM storage.There goes, A Tool to do exactly that will be a killer.

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Trick for creating a ‘notification’ screen without AJAX – ASP.Net 1.1

If you are developing on ASP.Net 1.1, the first thing which makes you lose the will to live (especially, if you’re accustomed to ASP.Net Ajax) is obviously the missing AJAX framework!

There is very little you could do with ASP.Net Forms for example, displaying a notification screen when you are processing something in the background after a post pack.

Without using jQuery , Javascript XMLHttp Requests or an open source AJAX framework for ASP.Net 1.1 your probably stumped , so was i., until i found out a trick to do something similar but with a post back (oh, what the heck!, but it still works, given the fact that i can display a notification screen before i start a lengthy process on the server.)

The Trick.

0] Create a session object , let it be an instance of a class which has some properties than can be set.

1] In the Form_Load hander, invoke your lengthy process depending on a Boolean property in your session object.

3] On the dreadful postback, when you want to start the ‘lengthy process’, Set your session object’s Boolean property and do a Response.Redirect(“yourwaitingscreen.aspx”). This will show the waiting screen immediately, however you have still not started the lengthy process.

4] Finally, starting the lengthy process is easy.

Add this in your <meta> tag to “yourwaitingscreen.aspx” to do the magic.

<meta http-equiv=”refresh”; content=1 url=”your_lengthy_process_aspx_page.aspx”>

I can hear the Gotchas !!! and ahas!!! now.

The way processes the request is still synchronous., remember no AJAX either. But, we are taking advantage of the synchronous processing itself. i.e when we add the

‘<meta http-equiv=”refresh”; content=1 url=”your_lengthy_process_aspx_page.aspx”>’ line to

“yourwaitingscreen.aspx”, you are loading the page, which starts the ‘lengthy process’, but since you are already in the ‘waiting screen’, you need not do anything. you also get a progress bar with IE and Firefox etc. (bonus!!!)

Drawbacks:- postbacks and logic in your Form_Load to start the ‘lengthy process’ (can be accomplished using a session variable as discussed above)

But, that’s fairly trivial given the fact that you are telling the user that you are doing something in the background which is going to take some time. (as simple as that.) – with a progress bar inherently displayed by the browser.


It’s maintainable because the ‘lengthy process’ can be loosely coupled with your UI or service. You can re-factor/enhance/test your code for ‘lengthy process’ in isolation, which makes it scalable and may be reusable!

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Visual Studio 2010 and .Net 4 RC

Download everything from here
Catch the action here
I’m having a play on the following, till the RC expires!
1] VS 2010
2] TFS
3] Lab Management 
4] Test Professional
5] Agents -Visual Studio Agents 2010 enables scale-out load generation, distributed data collection, and distributed test execution.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary…

Machine Learning and Computational Linguistics are a fond hobby of mine. Someone ready to sponser money and family permitting time, i want to delve into it any day. I am very excited of Google’s attempt at transliteration so far. It has certainly made writing in foreign languages exciting with on the  fly ‘transliteration’ embedded into mostly all of google’s products, gmail, blogger,orkut etc. to name a few. This has added lot of joy and excitement into many native language communicators.

For a nation like the United States or the United Kingdom, such tools will hardly have any impact (Keeping in mind the majority of english speaking/conversing population). But for a country like india, It’s MASSIVE. India has at least 25 –120 regional languages.

I strongly believe that for a civilization to flourish language - ‘bhaasha’ or call it ‘mother tongue’ is the primary and most fundamental tool that humans could have developed. Indians are pioneers in Linguistics and Logic. Given the very fact that a nation of 1 billion today speak so many different languages is a very simple and strong example of the  Linguistics and Logic revolution in India.

In a diversified state such as India, Computational Linguistics can play a very significant role. Imagine a child writing a letter to his/her mother in a language that she can converse in. The mother might not know to read or write in a different language, However the child will go to school and learn english, call it modernization or existentialism the language english has bestowed upon us. ‘This is a very simple common day scenario in rural india.’

I am very sure that as we all evolve conversing in english everyday into the 21st century, Research in computational linguistics will only start adding much more values into our ‘diversified’ culture and lives.

Therefore Computational Linguistics can be seen as a ‘fundamental tool’.

Simply because for any language to survive, it needs speakers. Amongst the ubiquitous things we can think ok ‘Culture/Tradition’ alone does not help a language to survive, the moment a language loses it’s speakers, it starts to decay and disappear.

After all, the ‘Vedas’ (a philosophical discourse) says ‘Flowers of different colours will only make the garden bright’. Computational Linguistics tools can only enrich a diversified civilization and get it in equilibrium with the ‘modern’ world.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Bye Bye iPhone and Nexus one…


More Here and Here

Light Peak


1. Light Peak

Light Peak is the code-name for a new high-speed optical cable technology designed to connect your electronic devices to each other. Light Peak delivers high bandwidth starting at 10Gb/s with the potential ability to scale to 100Gb/s over the next decade. At 10Gb/s, you could transfer a full-length Blu-Ray movie in less than 30 seconds. Optical technology also allows for smaller connectors and longer, thinner, and more flexible cables than currently possible. Light Peak also has the ability to run multiple protocols simultaneously over a single cable, enabling the technology to connect devices such as peripherals, displays, disk drives, docking stations, and more.

More here and here

For a decade which i think would make iphone a laughable ‘invention’ and

inch closer towards augmented reality.

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Nexus One, Here it comes..

More CES 2010..


Marvell’s Plug Computer 3.0



LaCie’s Flash ‘Keys’ made of metal.



Monster’s Ultra thin HDMI Cables



Asus EeePC Keyboard (A keyboard that has an intel atom based netbook inside it.)

CES 2010

Time to get excited.

What new technologies will the CES 2010 unveil.

Six trends to watch for at CES 2010

- ULV Processor laptops

- Smartbook


- OLED (organic light emitting diode) and AMOLED (active matrix OLED) displays

- Microsoft SYNC and Ford in car communications (Ford SYNC)

- Green Computing Trends